نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

Laxman was an extremely poor landless agricultural labourer who lived in a village. “Master,” the disciple said, “I have five people who are hungry and thirsty, and I have rice, curry, soup, pickle, and water. Too often, though, expedient approaches prove shortsighted, and fail to engage local leaders who hold the keys to economic and social progress.President John F. A banker or a development expert is no less an anthropologist than a sociologist: He is a financial or a development anthropologist. the scheme seen from the point of view of the beneficiary, the rural poor, is missing. The top bosses are interested only in selective feedback: one that is palatable to them. People who are trapped in a cycle of low income and exclusion can’t often realise their lives can be changed for the better through their own efforts. Targets, commands, exhortations, and plans come from above.”The writer is Member of Niti Aayog’s National Committee on Financial Literacy and Inclusion for Women. The rope-making machine turned out to be defective, and while the bank officials kept promising that they would send someone to repair it, this never happened.Although the data is skimpy, many of the development programmes don’t appear to have a plastic injection molding machine Suppliers beneficiary orientation.Fortunately, the academic community is now no longer dominated by the elite. For Amartya Sen, the Nobel-winning economist and philosopher, development is freedom. Many things bestow such freedom: Income, education, equal rights, and the ability of people to develop and fashion their own solutions to everyday problems. One of them is Power Distance.

The academic work is hands-on and minds-on rather than hands-off, solving real problems and at the same time learning and understanding better how the world works. It is extremely necessary to think of policy as a live object and the beneficiaries not as functions in the system but active players and the development apparatus as a tool to engage all stakeholders.” One day he was visited by one of his disciples with a nagging problem.N. He called them the dimensions of culture.”In his reflections on fieldwork, the doyen of Indian anthropologists, professor M. From the periphery and bottom comes a weaker flow of filtered information which placates and misleads. An anthropologist is “once-born” when he goes initially to the fields, thrust from familiar surroundings into a world he has very little clue about. Laxman, afraid that he might not be able to repay the loan, tried to resist this offer; however, by that time, the loan had already been sanctioned and he was firmly told to accept it.The great thinker Geert Hofstede once outlined certain basic issues that society needs to come to terms with in order to organise itself. It also helps overcome some of the ethical issues around such processes, including agreeing to its scale and scope, of who is involved, and who has access to the right data, and who can locally shepherd the programme, both democratically but also strategically. Too often, grassroots-level voices, reflecting firsthand experience addressing their communities’ problems, are ignored. At each inflexion point in a development career, the question one has to constantly ask oneself is: How can we have the biggest impact on the maximum number of people? In other words, how do we make development more sustainable in a world with no shortage of problems? How do we get the biggest bang with the least money? It was with close engagement with the people that I realised that they were the most critical piece in the whole puzzle. How do I divide it among all the five? On the pretext of equality, if I divide all the five items equally among the five, nobody’s thirst or hunger is quenched.Throughout my early work in villages, I remained frustrated by the small scale and slow pace of change. This is only possible when the instruments and institutions of development are placed in the hands of these communities. Everytime we make policies, we forget that the beneficiaries or clients have ambitions and aspirations.

A few prominent villagers are cultivated and are made to repeat parroted sentences of eulogies that can sound musical to the ears of for programme directors.e.This reminds us of the Chinese sage who would tell his disciples: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. They are not zombies. One year later, six of the goats had died.” The sage smiled and replied, “Give all the five items to the neediest and the one most willing to find food for others, and after his hunger and thirst are quenched, you both jointly find food for the rest. Once they understand that, it’s like a light getting turned on. Power Distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organisations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. Unable to get the machine repaired himself, Laxman sold it for a relatively small sum and bought seven goats with the proceeds.The idea is to use local wisdom before we involve expertise from outside. We should talk to people because they have a sense of what they want, of the life they want.I always cite a lesson from this field experience. All of a sudden, one sees everything from the native’s point of view, be it festivals, fertility rites, or the fear of death.

The failure of so many development interventions over the past half-century can be partly attributed to their lack of rootedness in the society they were designed to change. This is a global issue which should be addressed by scaling back, going local and giving project recipients ownership of the process. It is extremely necessary that we ensure that development programmes have relevance to the beneficiaries and their local context and can be profitably sustained in the local economy. The word “development” has many meanings — even within the “development community”. The beneficiary perspective, i. Capacity-building needs to be grafted onto pre-existing foundational values, rather than importing another’s value base. Experience suggests that a participatory process helps ensure more active engagement by local people, a greater degree of local ownership, and increased reliability and quality assurance.When foreign dollar investors make millions off the backs of the poor, the poor are liable to display a decided lack of gratitude. He is “twice-born” when, on living for some time among his tribe, he is able to see things from their viewpoint. Good academics know how to be practical and good policymakers know when they need to move out of their comfort zone and soil their hands. A well-meaning official decreed that Laxman should be given a subsidised loan to buy a rope-making machine.What we really need today is a new development approach: One that treats individuals and programme beneficiaries not as objects of charity but as active participants who can hold the development community accountable and responsive to their needs. The traditional dichotomy between the starry-eyed researcher on the high perches who is too busy to reflect and the practically minded and culturally rooted development manager is crumbling.

If I divide five items into one for each, again, I end up satisfying nobody. To those anthropologists fortunate enough to experience it, this second birth is akin to a Buddhist urge of consciousness, for which years of study or mere linguistic facility do not prepare one. Laxman was left with one small goat and a debt larger than his entire annual income. The social background of this tribe is now more representative of the population. Or else we will be pushing them further into distress. Srinivas described successful ethnography as passing through several stages. Sen’s “freedom” is not the freedom of libertarians — not merely freedom from interference — but the increased agency in one’s life and an increased control over one’s circumstances. In meetings, subordinates are upbraided, cajoled, and given orders from visitors. Kennedy very poignantly declared a half-century ago: “By defining our goal more clearly, by making it seem more manageable and less remote, we can help all people in seeing it, to draw hope from it, and to move irresistibly towards it

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 187
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 9
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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 4 شهريور 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

One of his estimated five murders occurred on Halloween night in 1981.Teen allegedly rapes elderly nun and stabs her to death, on Halloween: In 1981 when Garrett was 17, a 76-year-old nun in Amarillo, TX was raped and stabbed to death in the early morning hours of Halloween. Then he returned to the trailer and dressed the boy in a Halloween costume, whereupon the boy’s father came by to pick him up. The last of these was that of 16-year-old Shirley Ledford who was picked up in their van, and over the course of hours, they bound and gagged her, smashed her elbow repeatedly with a hammer, sodomized her with pliers, and finally strangled her to death with a wire coat hanger before dumping her on a random front lawn. Very early on, he also displayed psychotic behavior of his own.Man answers front door, is shot to death: A case from 1957, Peter Fabiano from Los Angeles was having marital issues that led to his wife Betty leaving the house briefly to live with a woman named Joan Rabel.We list 13 such stories of macabre murders that took place on Halloween. Her corpse was later found chopped into three pieces and buried in the yard of Biegenwald’s mother’s house on Staten Island. O’Bryan was found guilty of murder and died via lethal injection.11-year-old Timothy, apparently at his father’s urging swallowed the treats and was soon vomiting uncontrollably and was dead before reaching the hospital. He was 55, and still fighting over Halloween candy.Man wearing Scream mask shoots and kills Brooklyn teen: A man wearing a ghost-face mask that resembled the killer in the movie Scream shot and killed 19-year-old Anthony Seaberry on the streets of Brooklyn, NY.

Man rapes, tortures, and kills nine-year-old girl: Another one from 1973, nine-year-old Lisa French of Fond du Lac, WI dressed up as a hobo and went trick-or-treating. Darrisaw, killing him.Man stabs and kills woman in Betty Boop costume: A drifter and self proclaimed ladies’ man, Jeremy Bryan Jones befriended a woman who allowed him to stay at her home. Tony did not. Eleven of those bullets hit 12-year-old trick-or-treater T. The pair sat for two hours outside the Fabiano residence on Halloween night waiting for the house’s bedroom lights to be turned off.Preacher strangles woman to death, then dresses her son up for Halloween: John D. After being arrested for murder, White told police his crime was part of a lingering fantasy to have sex with a corpse, but that he’d “forgot” whether or not he completed that act. It was 1974, and Ronald Clark O-Bryan fell so deeply in debt that he thought up this macabre way of clawing out.Seven-year-old shot dead while trick-or-treating: Another macabre incident from 1994, seven-year-old Tony Bagley was wearing a skeleton costume and trick-or-treating with his sister, mother, and aunt on the north side of Las Vegas when a man in a hooded sweat suit leaped out of nowhere and fired at the family before hopping in a getaway car, which peeled away with its lights off.Man confronts kids who shoot him dead, on Halloween: Computer programmer Karl Jackson was driving his girlfriend and her son home through South Bronx on Halloween in 1998, when his car was egged by a couple of kids.”

During the course of Ledford’s murder, they tape-recorded themselves taunting her while she screamed for mercy. He stuffed her in a garbage bag and dumped her in the woods. To avoid suspicion, his plot was to kill them all and blame a neighbour. White became romantically involved with a female resident a few trailers down and would frequently babysit the woman’s three-year-old grandson. After a brief confrontation, he left the spot, only to be pursued by the kids who caught up with him a few blocks later and shot him in the head. Bullets hit Tony’s sister in the liver, his aunt in the leg, and his mother in the chest, but they all survived. Seventeen-year-old Maria Ciallella of Brick, NJ had been out trick-or-treating late at night.“Tool Box Killers” torture a female hitchhiker to death while tape-recording it: Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris were known as the “Tool Box Killers” because they routinely employed implements such as pliers and hammers in their unconscionably vicious series of kidnap/rape/torture/murders of five teenage California girls in 1979.Man kills girlfriend over missing bag of Halloween candy: The incident took place in Chicago’s South Side in 2011 when a man, Ledell Peoples blames his girlfriend of stealing his bag of Halloween treats, and following an argument, stabbed his girlfriend Maria Adams multiple times, killing her. He is best remembered as “The Candy Man” and “The Man Who Killed Halloween. After the couple had reconciled, she moved back leaving Rabel consumed with jealousy. On Halloween night 2012, after dolling up the woman’s 12-year-old son and the boy’s friend in makeup so they’d resemble Ace Frehley and Gene Simmons of the rock group KISS, Jones went to a popular tavern in Douglasville, GA, where he stabbed a woman wearing a Betty Boop costume to death in the parking lot.He purchased potassium cyanide, sprinkled it inside five Pixy Stix straws, crudely stapled them all shut, and handed them out to his son, daughter, and three other neighbourhood kids.Serial killer cuts girl into three pieces, buries her: The man, Richard Biegenwald had a childhood stuffed to the gills with beatings and trauma.

He raped her, killed her, stuffed her body in a plastic bag, and dumped it in a field. Fabiano answered, probably anticipating a late-night trick-or-treater. Shortly after midnight, a patrolman spotted her walking alone on Route 88 in the direction of her house. Still, he was convicted of murder and sentenced to death.At least eight people were killed and around a dozen more seriously injured in a "particularly cowardly act of terrorism" after a rented truck ploughed through people on a bike path in lower Manhattan on Halloween. In a statement that he refused to sign, police quote him as confessing to the murder: Garrett later denied murdering her and instead claimed to have burglarized the convent a few days before Halloween. Around 10 minutes later he had turned around back to offer her a ride, but she was already gone. When the lights went out, Pizer walked up to the house and rang the doorbell.Father poisons his son with Halloween candy: This old case from Texas involves a father who laced his son’s Pixy Stix with cyanide with the intent of killing him for insurance money. At five, he set fire to the family house and at nine, he received electroshock therapy. Although he was convicted of her murder, he was later paroled and would go on to file a discrimination complaint when Waste Management of Madison refused to hire him. Pizer shot him dead in the chest. She conspired with another woman, Goldyne Pizer, to murder Fabiano on Halloween, reasoning that it was the best night of the year to wear a mask without engendering suspicion.

Tony’s murder remains unsolved.Trick-or-treaters knock on man’s door and he kills them with an AK-47: A 2008 case, convicted drug dealer Quentin Patrick of Sumter, SC PVC injection molding machine heard a knock on his door. While some might argue that it is perhaps just a coincidence, one cannot deny that the day dedicated to the dead has seen a number of sinister and often macabre occurrences. Rabel put together a costume for Pizer consisting of red gloves, face paint, and a mask. At eleven, he attempted to set himself on fire. J.While the act in itself is heinous, this is not the first time that murderous incidents have taken place on Halloween. After she rang the doorbell of neighbor Gerald Turner, he took her into his house and shut the door behind her. On Halloween night 2012—while the three-year-old boy was in the trailer—White knocked the boy’s mother out with a rubber mallet and strangled her to death with a plastic zip tie. Assuming it was rival gang members, he grabbed his full-auto AK-47 and blasted at least 29 bullets through his front door at them. While later there were contradictory reports on the event, Garrett was still executed in 1992. Garrett’s fingerprints were found on her headboard. The case remains unsolved

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 153
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 9
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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 31 مرداد 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

Firstly, the Laundry Recipe function recommends the best cycle for you based on the fabric and colour of the specific load you select. Thirdly, HomeCare Wizard monitors the machine itself to provide diagnostic feedback on the machine’s cycle, energy and use pattern data – so that this is one less thing for you to have to think about.The Family Hub has been designed with the understanding that convenience and personalisation in food preparation is a priority for families, and so the Meal Planner capabilities suggest recipes based on your family’s food preferences, dietary restrictions and even food expiration dates for convenient weekly and monthly tailored meal plans – based on the ingredients already stored in the fridge and users’ taste. On top of this, it has garnered a slew of recognition from leading industry peers, with the 2018 Which? Awards announcing Samsung as the leading Large Appliance brand and KBIS awarding QuickDrive the ‘Best of KBIS’ award for its leading innovation in Smart Home Technology.

The QuickDrive washer includes the unique Q-Drum, which features a drum and a backplate that rotate independently so that loads are moved dynamically in opposite directions – resulting in a full clean.With Bixby and Voice ID, the 2018 Family Hub does more than just react intelligently, and IFA attendees are experiencing the tailored responses Family Hub and Bixby can provide.In order to best control each and every wash cycle, Samsung has integrated three key smart functions into QuickDrive machines through its AI-powered laundry care solution “Q-rator” for more intelligent and personalised control over laundry cycles. QuickDrive achieved the highest growth among the top 10 brands in the European washing machine market in the first half of this year compared to same period of 2017.Home Bistro Assistant: Dual Cook Flex OvenMoving across to the Cooking section of the Cooking zone, visitors are getting to know Samsung’s industry-leading Dual Cook Flex Oven, in which consumers can cook several dishes simultaneously at different temperatures and cooking times. The freedom that this offers users is no small feat – Samsung has created an oven that PVC injection molding machine Manufacturers allows you to take advantage of the dual cook feature with ease, with the specially designed oven door allowing you the flexibility to either cook two different dishes at once or use the entire oven for one dish with a larger cooking space. More intelligent than ever, QuickDrive can even detect when your washing detergent will run out, and will automatically order more on a contract basis. Whether you are baking a cake or cooking a lasagna, Cooking Guide can suggest the best oven mode, temperature and time for optimum results.(Source).Visitors to the Zone are being treated to demonstrations of the SmartThings app. The oven’s intelligent features can even go one step beyond this, as well, featuring the capacity to save preferred recipe settings and notes using My Recipe and Scrapbook for even smoother cooking experiences. Smart personal assistants, powered by AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT (the Internet of Things), have become an integral part of our daily lives – two-thirds of Europeans states that this smart technology would help make their lives easier and more enjoyable. With features such as this, Samsung and Family Hub endeavour to build technology geared towards making a real difference in consumers’ everyday home lives. Recognizing this.

Samsung is committed to delivering AI-based solutions at home that can learn from user behaviour to provide personalized recommendations. Family Hub can recognize individual voices and match them to each family member’s profile.Thanks to the development of smart technology, the era of simply pressing a few buttons on a home appliance and having that be that is long gone. Secondly, Laundry Planner allows you to designate a desired wash end time which the machine will automatically work back from, minimizing the time you spend on washing clothes and allowing you to stop and start laundry according to your schedule. Perusing the Dual Cook Flex Oven’s handy intelligent settings, you can get a real sense of the convenience these smart features offer – along with providing the ultimate in cooking personalisation. Users can start off their day just by asking “Hi Bixby, what’s new today?” and full, personalized information relevant to that user will appear instantly.

Launched here at IFA just last year, the QuickDrive washer is already paving the way and has notably transformed people’s home lives for the better.The Centre of Home Communication: Family HubThis part of the tour ends in the Smart Kitchen booth, which is showcasing the latest version of the innovative Family Hub fridge. With the Cooking Guide feature, the Dual Cook Flex Oven offers the most appropriate oven settings based on the ingredients of the dish you are preparing. Recent studies show that almost half (46%) of Europeans now spend most of their leisure time in the kitchen. As a result, Samsung Electronics has broadened the scope of its products for the kitchen, the centre of everyday home life, through this year’s more evolved Family Hub.QuickDrive can wash clothes in half the time of conventional machines without compromising on washing performance, freeing up consumers’ time.Home appliances have never been more helpful or easy to navigate, and according to recent surveys, consumer feedback shows that their lives are truly being transformed by the new ‘QuickDrive approach’ to doing laundry. Visitors can get a feeling for just how hands-on this smart appliance is by interacting with the Family Hub’s dedicated touch-screen tablet.Family Hub not only offers you a personalised experience with just the one device but thanks to SmartThings, consumers can also enjoy a connected living experience across Samsung appliances as well as other devices. You can control your robot vacuum cleaner, washing machine, and even your air conditioner, all from the Hub’s screen.Transforming the Home Life: Laundromat Lab with QuickDriveThe tour begins in the Laundromat Lab, which showcases the latest of Samsung’s laundry innovations, the QuickDrive washing machine. The kitchen has become the epicentre of a global shift in how people utilise their home spaces. The seamless integration of these intelligent home appliances promises to open consumers’ minds to the full potential of smart innovation in their lives

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 230
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 9
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تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 21 مرداد 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

“The emerging trend among the youth is to accessorise their bikes, keeping this in mind, we are excited to introduce the MoJo Tourer Edition.Mahindra Two-Wheelers has launched the Mojo Tourer Edition at a price of Rs 1.Commenting on the launch of the Mojo Tourer Edition, Naveen Malhotra, sr. A front guard is provided to protect the fuel tank, radiator guard and engine if the bike falls down in any condition. Fog lamps are also provided to light up your way in adverse weather conditions.The Mahindra Mojo Tourer Edition comes equipped with a magnetic tank bag with a 13-litre storage capacity.”Besides the standard features of the bike, the Mahindra Mojo Tourer Edition comes equipped with a magnetic tank bag with a 13-litre storage capacity. The motorcycle is being offered with touring accessories, which improve its functionality and styling. A combined storage space of 38 litres is provided by the saddlebags, made of ultra-tough denier fabric with triple stitching on stress points.

BikeDekho. The motor makes 27.The bike comes with lots of premium features like an analog-digital instrument console, twin exhausts, optional super sticky Pirelli Rosso II tyres, largest-in-the-segment petal disc brakes, beefy upside-down forks up front, gas-charged monoshock at the rear with internal floating piston, and much more.89 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). There is also a mobile holder on the handlebar that comes with 360-degree rotation and a silicon band to ensure grip at high speeds. The MoJo Tourer Edition is the perfect companion for every biker who is passionate about touring. It is aimed at those who have a passion for touring and for whom exploring new terrain is a way of life.

The Mahindra Mojo Tourer Edition also gets pannier mounts, giving you freedom to add extra storage space to the bike. And the 21-litre fuel tank provides a long touring range to the Mojo in a single fill.2PS of power at 8,000rpm and delivers a peak torque of 30Nm at 5,500rpm, using an EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) system.com. As China hybrid injection molding machine Manufacturers a part of the introductory benefit, Mahindra is also offering a riding jacket. Apart from these accessory additions, there are no other mechanical changes on the bike and it continues to use the same 300cc, liquid-cooled, single-cylinder engine

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 252
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
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تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 16 مرداد 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

11 trillion recapitalisation.The report said credit growth is likely to recover gradually, but a sharp uptick is ruled out until balance sheets are cleaned up.11 trillion capital infusion for public sector banks over the next two years.The report said the substantial government contribution which is to be injected directly by the state is a departure from past practices, and should go a long way in plugging the capital gap amid expectations of more haircuts and subdued earnings.

Rating agency Fitch on Thursday hinted at revising its outlook on domestic banks to stable from negative next year provided the government front-loads a substantial part of the Rs 2. It said if the last months announcement to inject USD 32 billion of fresh capital into the state-run banks over the next two years is well executed, it will be significantly credit positive. Of this, Rs 1.It expects more volatility in the NPL ratio (FY18 estimated at 11.In October, the government had announced a Rs 2.5 per cent.

FY17 at 9.The capital injection will stem the downward pressure on the banks viability rating, which have seen several downgrades over the last three- four years, and improve their ability to raise capital on their own, which had been limited so far due to poor health and weak valuations.7 per cent) in the near-term, given the stress in the power sector, concerns around farm loan waivers and SMEs, as well as heightened central bank activity aimed at minimising NPL divergences across banks.The agency said has had a negative sector outlook on the countrys banks for many years."If the government front-loads a substantial part of the capital injection, as plastic injection machine Suppliers is generally expected, we may revise the sector outlook to stable in 2018, provided there is greater clarity on operational details and timelines associated with the recapitalisation exercise," it said.."However, recapitalisation coupled with resolution of some large NPL accounts could mean that asset-quality parameters may eventually witness some stability after FY18," the report said.35 trillion will be through the recapitalisation bonds, while remaining Rs 76,000 crore from the budgetary support.The agency said a protracted downturn, slow resolution of NPL stocks and a sharp slowdown in credit growth has pushed the asset-quality cycle longer than envisaged

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 215
امتیاز مطلب : 40
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 3 مرداد 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

He also said that they play a key role in exports, in promotion of industrialisation and innovation.Suresh Prabhu hoped that small and medium enterprises would create more economic opportunities. We would like both to benefit and to do that we are willing to create a new trade order," he added. We would like to do business with all the countries of the world and therefore I extend a hand of friendship to all of you," Prabhu said.Last week, India had submitted to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) a list of 30 items on which it proposed to raise customs duty by up to 50 per cent. India is trying to resolve trade disputes with several countries and is willing to create a new world trade order as it extends a hand of friendship to all, Union Minister Suresh Prabhu said on Friday -- a day after the country slapped tariffs on 29 US products in a retaliatory move.Prabhu said: "We are trying to resolve the trade disputes with so many countries in the world.

The decision to hike duties is in retaliation to the unilateral increase in tariff by the US on certain steel and aluminium products earlier this year which had tariff implication of USD 241 million on India. The duty hike would come into effect from August 4, the finance ministry said in a notification.The Expo being organised by the MSME Development Forum is supported by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry."We must promote SMEs, we must promote innovation and startups and that is why our government is committed to do this," Prabhu said. "I have personally met almost all the ministers at different levels at different time, of course, Europe and the US.

"Please join us with your ideas and we together can develop better world, benefit each other."The minister&high speed injection molding machine39;s remarks came a day after India decided to raise customs duty on 29 products, including almond, walnut and pulses, imported from the US as a retaliatory action against the tariff hike by Washington.Prabhu pointed out that MSMEs take wealth to different corners of the country, through equitable distribution of wealth, unlike large industries."We are not against any country. We want India to benefit obviously, but not at the expense of the other country. (Photo: PTI).

India is trying to resolve trade disputes with several countries and is willing to create a new world trade order as it extends a hand of friendship to all, Union Minister Suresh Prabhu said on Friday -- a day after the country slapped tariffs on 29 US products in a retaliatory move. The event is supported by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.Addressing the 5th India International MSME Start-up Expo here, the commerce and industry minister hoped that small and # medium enterprises would create more economic opportunities and become the driver of a new India. We want to make sure that India remains a friend of all countries of the world whether it is South East Asia, whether it is Far East including our good friend Japan, whether it is in the Middle East, whether it is Africa or Latin America, in each of these segments

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 276
امتیاز مطلب : 40
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 25 تير 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

"The plane was coming to New York from Fort Dodge, Iowa, where it had made a hard landing but stayed on the runway earlier Thursday afternoon. New York: Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence's campaign plane slid off a runway during a rainstorm at New York's LaGuardia Airport late Thursday, tearing up concrete before coming to rest on a patch of grass. The campaign said it was preparing a new, similar aircraft that would be ready soon.When the plane came to a stop, U..Later, the Indiana governor tweeted: "So thankful everyone on our plane is safe."Pence spokesman Marc Lotter said Pence spoke with Trump shortly after the landing.

The vice presidential candidate also called into the 1 million fundraiser at Trump Tower that he had been expected to attend, Lotter said." But, he added: "I just spoke to Mike Pence and he's fine. The Indiana governor spent about 20 minutes tossing a football with his staff, reporters and Secret Service agents near the Iowa runway. Secret Service agents rushed from the back of the plane to China double color injection molding machine the front, where Pence was seated, to check on the candidate. The aircraft will remain where it is until the NTSB releases it."We can see mud on the front windows," a calm Pence said in the press cabin about a minute after the plane came to rest."Foye added, "Per the request of the NTSB, we are not going to speculate on the cause of the incident tonight.Port Authority Executive Director Patrick Foye said the National Transportation Safety Board "will take control of the investigation.Upon arriving at LaGuardia, after a bumpy approach, the Boeing 737 Eastern Airlines charter landed roughly, making first contact with the runway concrete. After a rally in Fort Dodge, Pence's flight to New York was delayed because of weather. When it stopped, passengers could smell burning rubber. (Photo: AP) The plane was coming to New York from Fort Dodge, Iowa, where it had made a hard landing but stayed on runway earlier Thursday afternoon. He said he was fine, though, and no one had been injured. Grateful for our first responders & the concern & prayers of so many.The Port Authority shut down the runway following the incident, but later reopened it.

The pilot slammed on the brakes and the plane began to slide sideways."The 37 passengers, including Pence, and 11 crew members were evacuated through the back of the plane."Democrat Hillary Clinton tweeted: "Glad to hear @mike_pence, his staff, Secret Service, and the crew are all safe." ThThe plane was coming to New York from Fort Dodge, Iowa, where it had made a hard landing but stayed on runway earlier Thursday afternoon. In a statement the agency confirmed that the plane had "overshot" the runway, there were no injuries and there was no fire.The Federal Aviation Administration said, "A crushable concrete runway safety technology called an Engineered Material Arresting System stopped the plane. Back on the trail tomorrow!"In Geneva, Ohio, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told his supporters that Pence had come "pretty close to grave, grave danger. Everybody's fine

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 316
امتیاز مطلب : 40
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 17 تير 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

"Initially, we may procure the dairy products at cheaper prices from the above-said countries but it will lead to the collapse of Indian Dairy Industry as the dairy activity in the country will become unviable to our farmers and entrepreneurs," read the letter.India has raised concerns regarding market access and other issues leading to an imbalance of trade between some of the partner countries."In the given situation allowing imports of any dairy products under Free Trade Agreement/Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would not hold good to the Indian Dairy Industry and the entire Indian farming community," read the letter.Pointing out to the government&high speed injection molding machine Factory39;s support to the dairy industry under the "National Dairy Plan", the Congress leader said that India is a more labour-oriented country and many landless agricultural labours are mainly dependent on Dairy farming unlike New Zealand or Australia or any other European model of Dairy farming. Veerappa Moily.RCEP is a proposed free trade agreement between six partners namely People's Republic of China (ACFTA), Republic of Korea (AKFTA), Japan (AThe Congress leader said that the Milk producer's income will be reduced by half if we take a wrong step of opening up our dairy market under RCEP/FTA with any country.33rd Day Of Lockdown Total Cases 26,283 1,835 Recovered 5,939 443 Deaths 825 44 Maharashtra76281076323 Gujarat3071282133 Delhi262586954 Rajasthan208351334 Madhya Pradesh194528199 Tamil Nadu182196023 Uttar Pradesh179326127 Andhra Pradesh101617131 Telangana99030725 West Bengal57110318 Karnataka50015818 Jammu and Kashmir4941126 Kerala4583384 Punjab3087217 Haryana2871913 Bihar251452 Odisha100341 Jharkhand6783 Uttarakhand48260 Himachal Pradesh40232 Chhatisgarh37320 Assam36191 Chandigarh28150 Meghalaya1201 Puducherry840 Goa770 Manipur220 Tripura220 Mizoram100 Arunachal Pradesh110 India, Politics Moily asks PM to not import of dairy products, pepper under Free Trade Agreement ANI Published: Oct 25, 2019, 4:13 pm IST Updated: Oct 25, 2019, 4:13 pm IST The Congress leader said that the Milk producer's income will be reduced by half if we take a wrong step of opening up our dairy market."I very strongly recommend not permitting the import of dairy products, areca nut and pepper under any Free Trade Agreement, in the best interest of the farming community of the country who are already in severe distress owing to unseasonal rains and floods."

Moily's letter dated October 22 read. (Photo: File) New Delhi: Former union minister Veerappa Moily has written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and expressed his concern regarding the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).He underlined that Milk is the highest value crop giving 27 per cent of agricultural income to the farmers which cannot be ignored to realize the objective of "doubling the Indian Farmers Income by 2022".The Congress leader said that the Milk producer's income will be reduced by half if we take a wrong step of opening up our dairy market under RCEP/FTA with any country.JCEP), India (AIFTA) and Australia and New Zealand (AANZFTA)..The RCEP negotiations were launched by leaders from 10 ASEAN member states (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) and 6 ASEAN FTA partners (Australia, People's Republic of China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea and New Zealand).He asked the Prime Minister to not permit the import of dairy products, areca nut and pepper under any Free Trade Agreement.Moily said if we agree for the Free Trade Agreement with New Zealand, it will also open doors to other countries from the European Union and the USA which will create an "unimaginable" situation # in the country. Senior Congress leader M

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 245
امتیاز مطلب : 40
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 10 تير 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

Lam said she did not think protesters would believe her if she used the word "withdraw" "To some extent, if it was withdrawn today, it could be brought back to LegCo three months later," she said. "There are still lingering doubts about the government&hybrid injection molding machine Manufacturers39;s sincerity or worries (about) whether the government will restart the process with the Legislative Council," she said in a press conference.But protesters remain distrustful and have demanded she unequivocally withdraw the proposed law from the parliamentary agenda.Public anger has soared against the city's pro.

Beijing leaders and its police force after officers used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters outside parliament last month. The bill is dead."So I reiterate here, there is no such plan.The finance hub has been plunged into its worst crisis in recent history following a month of huge marches as well as separate violent confrontations with police involving a minority of hardcore protesters. "It could be economic problems, it could be livelihood issues, it could be political divisions in society," she said." But she shied away from other key protester demands, including calls for an independent judge to head up a commission of inquiry into police tactics, saying the city's current police complaints mechanism was conducting its own investigation. Lam had previously suspended debate on the extradition bill and said her administration had no plans to reintroduce it into the city's Legislative Council (LegCo). But they have since morphed into a wider movement calling for democratic reforms and a halt to sliding freedoms in the semi-autonomous territory." The rallies were sparked by a now-suspended law that would have allowed extraditions to mainland China.Lam had previously suspended debate on the extradition bill and said her administration had no plans to reintroduce it into the city's Legislative Council (LegCo).She described her administration's attempt to introduce the extradition bill as "a complete failure", agreed to meet students in public without preconditions and said she recognised that the city was facing an unprecedented array of challenges.

But on Tuesday she resurfaced to hold a press conference in which she made her most conciliatory comments to date. So 'the bill is dead' is a relatively resolute saying," she added."So the first thing we should do is identify those fundamental issues and hopefully find some solutions to move forward.Lam has made very few public appearances in recent weeks.a"But maybe the residents want to hear a very resolute and decisive saying.33rd Day Of Lockdown.

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 269
امتیاز مطلب : 40
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 3 تير 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : serfixedvo

Brush the tops with egg wash and bake for 16-17 minutes. Repeat with the other half of the dough. Place the croissants in a warm place to rise for an hour or two. However, it is believed to really have been the invention of the Austrians. The ‘Kipferl’ was believed to be the prototype of the croissant. This flaky, buttery pastry has been associated with all things French.Flour the surface and roll out the dough into a long narrow strip, about 8x40 inches (20x101 cm). Roll out each corner and form a 10-inch (25 cm) square. Fold the bottom half over the top and turn the dough clockwise to the left.Roll out the dough on a floured surface until it&China PVC injection molding machine39;s 8x24 inches (20x61 cm).Prove in a warm place until doubled in size. This flaky delight has become something of a showstopper on the breakfast table.Brush the croissants with the beaten egg.With a knife, trim the edges of the dough.Place the plain dough on top of the raspberry dough, then lay the butter on top.Apply a small hazelnut-sized bulb of filling in the centre of the 10cm (4in) edge and fold the cut edge of the dough over, then continue to roll towards the pointed end of the dough to form a croissant. Place into a piping bag and reserve until needed. It is a denser and a less flaky bread, made with a softer dough. Roll and cut to your desired size. Cut into 10x15cm (4x6in) # triangles (80g each).Chill the dough overnight and then laminate it with 1.Fold the top half down to the middle and brush off any excess flour. Place another piece of parchment on top of the butter and beat it with a rolling pin. Lightly knead the dough and form it into a ball, making sure not to over-knead it.Pastry chef Durba Basu Ray,Raspberry Croissant. Wrap in clingfilm and chill for 30 minutes. Serve warm. Cover and refrigerate for one hour.Place the chocolate on the edge of the dough and roll tightly enclosing it in the dough.4 KgCastor Sugar 600gWhole Eggs 3pcsSalt 60gBread Improver 60gDry Yeast 60gMilk Powder 150gChilled Water Mineral 1,500 mlButter Unsalted 150gElle & Vire Butter (82% Fat) 1,400gFilling Bake Stable Chocolate Sticks 400gEgg 2 PcsMilk 30mlMETHODSoak the yeast with little bit of sugar in lukewarm water to activate it.Place the croissants on a baking sheet, seam side down.For both doughs (prep separately):Dissolve the yeast in the water. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for one hour.The final temperature of the dough should not exceed 24-degree C. Rest the dough enough between the folds.

The history of the Kipferl dates back to the 13th century where it is referenced as a “sweet” and wasn’t until the mid-16th century that the Austrian treat became part of the ‘morning pastry’ritual.Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. If necessary, use a knife to trim the edges and place the trimmings back on top of the butter and continue to roll into a square.Roll the dough with a rolling pin to seal the seams, making sure to lengthen the dough, rather than widening it. If at any time the dough or butter begins to soften, stop and transfer back to the fridge.Add all the ingredients, except the salt, to a machine mixing bowl, then mix for nine minutes on low speed. Place one half in the refrigerator.Roll the dough out again to 40x25cm (15½x10in).For the lamination butter:Roll to a rectangular shape about 40x25cm (15½x10in) between two sheets of baking paper, then chill. The Kipferl is a crescent-shaped morning confection made plain, with nuts or other fillings.Egg wash and bake at 190-degrees for 15 minutes. Cut the dough into four rectangles. Wrap in clingfilm and chill for at least 30 minutes.For the egg washCombine the ingredients, then sieve. Trim to straighten the long ends.For the layeringRoll both doughs separately on a floured surface into 40x25cm (15½x10in) rectangles.Place the butter layer on top of the dough and fold the sides of the dough over the butter, enclosing it completely.Roll the dough out to 40x25cm (15½x10in), then divide the dough into three lengthwise.—Chef Partha Prathim Bose, Four Seasons Hotel BengaluruPain Au Chocolate CroissantFrench Croissant RecipesIngredientsFlour 500 g - 4 cupsWater 120 ml -½ cupMilk 120 ml - ½ cupSugar 50 g - ¼ cupSalt 2 teaspoonsInstant dry yeast - 1 packetUnsalted butter, softened - 3 tablespoonsCold unsalted butter - 1 ¼ cups, cut into ½-inch (1 cm) thick slices (285 g)Egg, beaten 1Sweetened chocolate bars - 2 barsMethodIn a large bowl, mix the flour, water, milk, sugar, salt, yeast, and butter. Add the salt and mix for another two minutes on high speed.Chill for a minimum of two hours. Save the remaining egg wash in the fridge for later. Chocolate Croissant/ Pain au ChocolateIngredientsFlour 2. Cut to the modern day when you have food based shows showcasing celebrity chefs in search of the perfect croissant and groups of urban Indians taking trips to Paris and Vienna. Transfer the butter layer to the refrigerator. Once the dough starts to clump, turn it out onto a clean counter.Once the croissants have been proofed, brush them with one more layer of egg wash.

both short ends in to meet in the middle, then fold the dough in half again to look like a closed book, leaving the raspberry dough on the outside.Roll out on a floured surface to 6mm (¼in) thick. Chocolate Croissant/ Pain au Chocolate The French have long laid claim to the invention of the croissant. Refrigerate for an hour.Make a dough with all the ingredients except for Elle & Vire butter. This completes the first turn.Place your chocolate sticks. Transfer the dough to a baking sheet and cover with plastic wrap.Make an egg wash with the remaining eggs and milk.Sheet out the laminated pastry to four mm thickness.Roll out the dough again two more times, completing three turns in total and refrigerating for 1 hour in between each turn. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).To roll out the dough, lightly flour the counter. 8 Preheat the oven to 165°C/Gas Mark 3.4 Kg of butter.For the fillingCombine the ingredients in a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment until smooth.The croissant owes a lot of its popularity to movies, starting from Audrey Hepburn's character of Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Place the dough on the counter and push the rolling pin once vertically into the dough and once horizontally to form four quadrants.Keeping the parchment paper on the butter, use a rolling pin to roll the butter into seven inch (18 cm) square, ½-inch (1 cm) thick.

This yummy French Confection has now become a staple diet even in India as many foodies love to sink their teeth into this delicious bread.After the final turn, cover the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.— Pastry chef Durba Basu Ray, Ibis and Novotel Bengaluru Outer Ring RoadRaspberry CroissantFor the raspberry doughIngredientsYeast 20gWater 92mlFlour (T45) 260gSugar 30gSalt 5gBread improver 1gButter 40gMilk powder 14gRaspberry purée 85g (reduced to 40g)Red liquid food colouring 1 dropFor the plain doughIngredients Yeast 12gWater 126mlFlour (T45) 260gSugar 30gImprover 1gButter 40gMilk powder 14gSalt 5gFor the lamination butter: - 280g butterFor the fillingIngredients Raspberry jam 250gMarzipan 175gFor the egg washIngredients1 free-range egg plus 1 egg yolk Water 10mlSalt 1gSugar 1gMethodFor the raspberry doughReduce the raspberry purée to 40g on the stove, allow to cool.Slice the cold butter in thirds and place it onto a sheet of parchment paper. Do a three single fold.Prove the pastry at 30-degree temperature with 75% humidity.To form the croissants, cut the dough in half. Place on baking trays, leaving space between them to expand. Fold the top short end down onto the middle section, then fold the bottom short end up onto the layered dough in the centre, so that it forms three layers (single turn), leaving the raspberry dough on the outside

:: بازدید از این مطلب : 288
امتیاز مطلب : 40
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
تاریخ انتشار : چهار شنبه 28 خرداد 1399 | نظرات ()

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